Author: Anthony

Snapping your RD dropout – cannondale rear derailleur replacement


Cause: Most likely a crash that impacted the rear derailleur

Fix: Have a professional mechanic replace the dropout

I was lucky that the chain did not snap into my rear wheel, which potentially could have broken multiple spokes.

Thank you to Jose, Audrey & friends at Mineola Bicycle for the quick fix.

Happy riding!!


New Newtons!

I just did my first run in the Newton running Gravity III. Right off the bat, they feel much more stable than it’s predecessors. I’ll have more feedback when I get some more quality mileage workouts in them.

Hello Better.


March 2014 Training Totals

There’s a lot that happened this month! The poor weather in the first half of the month kept my workouts on the trainer. I let my gym membership expire. I found a new pool for my swim workouts.

But what surprised me the most were the 6 bike races that I did in just one month, including two doubles and a criterium. When I signed up for the Tour of Battenkill bike race, I had no intention of doing any other bike races. It’s funny how plans quickly change and how easily I got hooked on road racing!

In all aspects, March was exponentially better than February – and the numbers don’t lie.

Month – February
Duration – 46:55:08
Distance – 597.43 miles
HR (avg) – 138.0 bpm
TSS – 1780
kJ – 11502

Month – March
Duration – 58:08:48         +27.82%
Distance – 784.18 miles   +31.26%
HR (avg) – 139.0 bpm       +0.72%
TSS – 2241                            +25.84%
kJ – 12428                            +8.05%

Theme: Overlay by Kaira